If your friends and family think the only way to lose fat is by using fat burners, then I GUARANTEE you’ll be accused of using DIET PILLS after burning fat with the Turbulence Training 2K7 program.
Do you have any idea how to design the perfect fat burning workout? Probably not, but that's exactly what you need at this time of year. So, get your fat burning plan from the pro, Craig Ballantyne. Alligators, Grasshoppers, Pushup Burpees, Stability Ball X-Body Mountain Climbers...
...these are just 4 of the 32 exercises that will work your abs, boost your metabolism, and help you burn calories this month...
We are all guilty of failing to follow through on our New Year’s resolutions, but this year you’re going to start the year off right….this is the year that you keep your New Year’s resolution and get that beach body you’ve always dreamed of!
In January 2K7, I've built 2 TT Strength Workouts, 2 TT Ab Circuits, 1 Bodyweight Circuit, and 2 Interval Training Sessions into a plan that can be adapted for 3-day training programs or even 6-day training programs.
It’s the same Turbulence Training formula of supersets and intervals that you’re used to, but the exercises are the most effective ones pulled out from each monthly workout! Yes it’s true, some exercises are more effective than others. So, this month’s workout doesn’t beat around the bush and it gives you nothing but the best.
Here is a look at a sample workout schedule:
- Monday: TT Workout A & Interval Workout A
- Tuesday: Bodyweight Circuit
- Wednesday: TT Workout B & Ab Circuit #1
- Thursday: Interval Workout B
- Friday: TT Workout A & Ab Circuit #2
- Saturday: Interval Workout A
- Sunday: Rest
If you want to stop wasting time and start seeing results, then this program is your answer. The workouts will push you to the limit and make sure you get what you deserve….100% results that are backed by the Turbulence Training guarantee.
So, start your year off right with this mixed bag of TT treats for you to enjoy. Don’t wait till summer is already here, start sculpting that body of yours today!
Make this the year you lost fat without slow, boring cardio.