"With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Home Fitness Workouts A Week"
Say Goodbye To Long, Slow Boring Cardio Exercises and Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time With Killer Workouts You Can Do In The Privacy Of Your Own Home In 45 Minutes Or Less...
As seen in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and Maximum Fitness magazines...
Dear Friend,
f you are interested in fat loss as quickly as possible in the comfort of your own home, using simple manly, fat burning workout routines that can easily be done first thing in the morning or after your kids go to bed, without endless hours of boring cardio exercise, fancy equipment or expensive supplements, then this will be the most important letter you ever read in your entire life.
Here's why:
My name is Craig Ballantyne. I'm a world-renowned Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and author of too many articles to count in magazines such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, and Maximum Fitness.
I've developed a revolutionary new fat loss system called Turbulence Training, which was designed specifically to help busy men burn the most belly fat in the least amount of workout time - and without using dreaded cardio exercise.
Six Pack Abs Sculpted with
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
Turbulence Training is scientifically proven, it is endorsed by world-class personal trainers and strength coaches, and by the Fitness and Nutrition Editors of top fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and Turbulence Training has been used by thousands of men for fat burning as well as building muscle at the same time.
In fact, one of the fat burning Turbulence Training home fitness workouts was used by Men's Health in their Belly Off online program, and thousands of men using this program have lost over a combined 30,000 pounds of fat with Turbulence Training. Turbulence Training is the most-used fat burning program in the world for men right now.
And dozens of other men have made dramatic changes to their bodies in only weeks when using the Turbulence Training belly fat burning workouts. Not only are men around the world losing their belly fat, and getting flat stomachs, but they are also improving their health and having more energy to play with their kids or take care of their family.
Kerry Cuts Cardio and Loses 6 Pounds to Get 6-Pack Abs at Age 51
"For years, I had been doing slow, boring cardio, but the 12-Week Turbulence Training Transformation Contest was one of the best things I have ever done.
Most importantly, I’ve learned the power and value of planning, consistency, accountability and support. These things can be applied to all facets of life. The support here has been just fantastic.
Looking better in the mirror is most rewarding, but from a total health standpoint, the change in my bloodwork at my yearly physical exam was totally gratifying. I owe that to the TT lifestyle."
Kerry Z.
Turbulence Training is the Most Effective Fat Loss System for Men
"The single most effective fat loss training system in the world today. I've used it. I've studied it. It works faster and more effectively than any other method."
Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS, Men's Health Training Adviser
He's Recommended Turbulence Training to Millions of Magazine Readers
"Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast, while protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback I've received from guys all over the world as a result ensures you'll be seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."
Adam Campbell, MS, CSCS,
Sports and Nutrition Editor,
Men's Health magazine
"Steve Hays Reverses the Aging Process & Loses Man Boobs and Loses His Gut in Just 12 Weeks"
"12 weeks ago, I was 271 pounds, the heaviest I’d ever been in my life. I felt fat. My XL clothes were tight, and I had just bought size 40 jeans (a first in my life). Despite all this, I didn’t do anything about it, until my 3 year old son asked me why I had “big boobies.” I can’t think of a more embarrassing question a son can ask his Dad.
I have three kids, and my oldest is only 4 years old, so I didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to getting in shape. I thought it took 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week to get into shape. In addition, I’ve never been able to stick with a nutrition or workout plan for longer than a month. Then I read about Turbulence Training.
With Turbulence Training, I never worked out more than 3 days a week. Turbulence Training works. I am proof of that."
Steve Hays |
He Fits Into His Old Jeans
"The weight is just falling off me this month. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still have more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big deal for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine 2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just 10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would get me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams |
He's Losing Belly Fat Despite His Busy Schedule
"At mid-life, pushing 300 pounds, and highly skeptical of quick-fixes, I learned of Turbulence Training and decided it was a program which made sense. It's about hard work, sensible eating, and getting stronger. I found the efficiency of the program to be appealing. In less than an hour, 3 to 4 times per week, the workouts are manageable on a busy schedule. It produced not only weight loss; my strength increased rather dramatically."
Todd Thompson, Texas
He's Lost His Vacation Body Fat
"Craig, I just wanted to let you know that I've been using your Turbulence Training Home Fitness Workouts to whip myself back into shape after a vacation. As a fellow fitness professional I can safely say that it's the best and most efficient approach to improving body composition that I've come across."
Pat Rigsby
President, The Fitness Consulting Group
Get 6-Pack Abs
in Only 12 Weeks With
Turbulence Training
"Men's Fitness readers want to build size and strength, and lose their guts - and usually all at once! That's why I asked Craig to help the Kuhn triplets make this remarkable 12-week Transformation with the Turbulence Training home fitness workouts. In addition to being one of the most knowledgeable and up-to-date trainers in the world, Craig's friendly, outgoing personality puts his clients at ease and encourages quicker results."
Sean Hyson, Fitness Editor, Men's Fitness
The Amazing Discovery Of The
Turbulence Training Fat Loss System
Click Play to hear what Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser has to say about Turbulence Training!
(NOTE: I did NOT train the actors from the movie, "300".)
The Turbulence Training belly fat burning system is the combined result of over 6 years of University study (including a Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology), 16 years of hands-on, in the trenches gym experience, over 5,318 personal training sessions, and careful scrutiny of over 723 medical research papers.
It started in 1999, when I was a struggling grad student at
. We had just finished one of my graduate research studies and I was spending up to 16 hours a day in the lab analyzing my research data on strength training and testosterone.
As a former athlete, I knew that I had to find a way to stay lean and muscular and avoid the fat gain that comes from working long hours in a lab and at a desk as a researcher. But I didn't have time for long bodybuilding strength training workouts, let alone slow, boring cardio workouts.
The idea that gave birth to the Turbulence Training belly fat burning workouts came to me when I noticed how the power sport athletes at the University had such sleek, strong, lean physiques, but none of them did slow long distance cardio exercise for hours on end. Have you ever noticed how lean and muscular sprinters are compared to long distance runners?
So I came up with strength training home fitness workouts based on power sports training adapted for regular guys and I started testing them in the gym myself and with my male fat loss clients. Within weeks, and sometimes just days, guys were reporting noticeable losses of belly fat as a result of the fat burning Turbulence Training workouts. And they were excited to learn that they didn't have to be in the gym for 90 minutes, 6 days per week like the bodybuilding magazines suggested.
The initial real-world fat burning results were almost too good to be true, but as an academic type person, I had to have concrete scientific proof to back up my theories.
After Thousands Of Hours Of Research And Personal Training Sessions, I Discovered The Scientifically Proven Secret For Getting More Belly Fat Burning Results in Less Time
I spent countless hours in the library researching exercise physiology studies, traveling to research conferences and University Labs from
, and monitoring my own strength training workouts and the belly fat burning workouts of the men that I trained in the gym.
I uncovered research studies that showed how interval training was superior to slow cardio for fat loss, and how heavier resistance training (i.e. 8 reps per set) was far more effective at burning calories and burning belly fat than the traditional "high-reps to get cut" approach.
Out of the huge stack of strength training and interval training research papers that I had analyzed, I accidentally stumbled onto two studies that proved my theories beyond a shadow of a doubt, and completely transformed my thinking about fat loss training. This created the foundation for the Turbulence Training for fat loss workouts and has now changed the course of fat loss training forever.
In one of the landmark interval cardio training studies, researchers at
compared slow, steady aerobic cardio training with interval training in a fat loss study. The researchers were shocked to find that the interval training group lost more body fat than the cardio group, even though almost every fat loss program in the world today recommends long cardio workouts as the exclusive fat burning exercises to lose weight.
In the second landmark study that helped create the Turbulence Training method, researchers found that performing 8 repetitions per set of an exercise helped subjects burn more calories after exercise in comparison to using 12 repetitions per exercise.
As a guy, you just have to love this research. Not only does this show you that you don't have to become a "cardio bunny" to burn belly fat, but it shows that you can use manly strength training and athletic interval training to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.
Oh, and for those of you who don't believe that you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, a 2007 study from the Journal of Applied Physiology proves that men, even those above the age of 60, can build muscle and burn fat with only a strength training workout program.
In the study conducted in the United States, researchers had subjects perform a total body strength training workout three times per week for 12 weeks. And at the end of the study, the results were nothing short of shocking. On average, the subjects gained 4 pounds of muscle and lost 4 pounds of fat.
Don't forget, this was without interval training, and subjects were not instructed to make any changes to their diets. Just imagine the results they could have achieved if they included the other two components of Turbulence Training into their belly fat burning workout programs.
Here Are The Scientific Facts About Fat Loss Today
SCIENCE FACT: The fat loss workout exercises you read about in muscle mags from the 80's and 90's are based on out-of-date exercise science and nutrition information. You don't have to spend an hour in the gym everyday doing strength training for a different "body part" and then following that up with an hour of slow boring cardio. No one has time for those workouts, and they don't work any better than using the 3 short Turbulence Training workouts each week.
SCIENCE FACT: Exercise science has advanced by leaps and bounds just in the last two decades. The latest fat loss research, which Turbulence Training is based on, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and doing so with less time working out than ever before. In fact, most guys will even build muscle while they burn fat with the Turbulence Training workouts.
SCIENCE FACT: Fat loss programs that require you to do endless hours of long, slow, boring cardio exercises will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals and may lead to over use injuries. The most recent interval training research out of Australia showed that only interval training helped subjects burn belly fat during a 15-week fat loss study. Plus, the interval training group trained for only half the time of the slow, boring cardio group.
SCIENCE FACT: You need to use more advanced, modern fat burning and strength training methods, such as Turbulence Training intervals, to help you burn more calories and more belly fat in and out of the gym. With Turbulence Training interval cardio exercise, you will skyrocket your post-workout metabolism allowing you to burn more belly fat than you would with traditional cardio workouts.
SCIENCE FACT: Traditional fat burning exercise programs typically don't even mention strength training workouts in their instructions because most trainers and clients don't understand how strength training will help fat loss. Even if your fat loss program does recommend strength training, it's likely that you've been told to use the ineffective and outdated method of high reps and low weight (which does NOT burn fat!). That's not how a man should train for fat loss. You'll find the scientifically proven rep ranges are used in the Turbulence Training belly fat burning workouts.
SCIENCE FACT: If you want to maximize your metabolism, and get defined arms, 6-pack abs, and a flat stomach, then you must include strength training in your fat loss workout exercises. High intensity strength training muscle exercise found in the Turbulence Training system helps protect your lean muscle mass, which you are almost certain to lose on traditional starvation diet and slow cardio exercise programs
These are the facts. The research simply does not lie. The way you are currently training is probably not only getting you less than satisfactory results, but may actually be causing overuse injuries, or even catabolic muscle loss.
Turbulence Training is Doctor-Approved
"Turbulence Training is one of the most comprehensive fat loss programs on the market today. It employs sound principles of nutrition and exercise for a safe and healthy approach to losing fat and gaining lean muscle. I have been a fan of Craig's work since its inception and continue to be impressed with the results I see."
Dr. Shayne Ladak, MD, BSc(Hons), CSCS, NASM-CPT |
Juan Ruiz Lost His Belly With Turbulence Training
"In August of 2007 I weighed in at 315lbs; the most I have ever weighed. I have tried many diets and exercise plans and nothing has really worked well for me. I was at the end of my rope, and really starting to look into bariatric surgery.
I couldn't tell you how many hours I have wasted doing just cardio and staying away from weights just to watch my body stay the exact same.
Since I started TT in August I have never looked better in my life, I have never felt better in my life."
Juan Ruiz , Lansing, Michigan
He Lost Belly Fat...Even Though He Only Exercises Three Times Per Week for 45 Minutes
"Thanks to Turbulence Training and Dr. Mohr's nutrition plan, I have finally been able to find a program that fit my lifestyle and allowed me to push my body fat below my comfort zone.
In the past, I was using the popular exercise plans (I thought they were the only ones that worked) which were probably designed for steroid users. These 5-6 day, 45 minute to one hour workouts usually just led me to overtraining, missing a session and eventually just quitting and looking for a new program.
Nutritionally, I thought to get to low body fat levels I had to go ultra low carb and use all sorts of expensive supplements. This also was impossible for me to do.
With Turbulence Training, I found workouts that took only 30 ˆ 45 minutes every other day, including cardio and with NO SUPPLEMENTS REQUIRED!"
Mark Russo
Busy Dad of Twin Boys Cuts Body Fat With Fast Total Body Workouts
"Being a father of twin boys, I was overweight at 217 lbs more than a year ago and seeing my kids grow up right before my eyes - it just hit me.
Craig's down to earth, straight forward personality in his books and user friendly website really attracted me the most. He really does support you with answers that are very helpful in his book and in his website.
All you need is a few dumbells, a bench, a stability ball and your set. I'm now fit as ever! Be it body fat loss, lean muscle mass, muscle strength, or just plain conditioning - Craig's Turbulence Training is second to none.
Thanks Craig!"
Andy Apsay
Build Respect & Your Biceps With Turbulence Training
"People not only notice my fat loss but they treat me differently - even
with more respect. It was not without tough times but now that I've
completed it, I see all that as character building. As a teacher, I have
even been noticed by my kids at school. They all want to get fit in the
school's gym with me now."
John Pascua, Australia
Skeptic Loses Fat in Weeks...While Gaining Muscle at the Same Time!
"To say I'm pleased with the progress made is an understatement of unimaginable proportions. The progress I have made in 12 weeks has stunned me - I never knew I had it in me!"
Chris Curtis, Police Officer
Professional Sports Strength Coach Turns to Turbulence Training for Fat Loss and Muscle Building
"Turbulence Training is an exceptional resource. Craig Ballantyne continually presents progressive and innovative training ideas that can be applied in all settings. The programs are laid out in a clear and concise format and the exercise description sections are first rate. If your application is athletic performance or personal training for muscle gain and/or fat reduction, Turbulence Training will serve to be an effective resource and prove to be a real value."
Randy Lee, Conditioning Coach
Senators Hockey Club, NHL
Firefighter Recommends Turbulence Training to Any Man Serious About Losing Weight and Improving Fitness
"As a professional firefighter, personal fitness is very important to me. I found the Turbulence Training program to be an excellent way to keep my workouts fresh and high paced while achieving my desired results. I would recommend this program to anyone who is serious about losing weight and reaching their fitness goals."
Chris Gaylor
Functional Turbulence Training Makes Him a Better Firefighter and Gives Him More Time With His Family
"Turbulence Training is a perfect fit for me! As a professional firefighter, physical conditioning is not only a job requirement but a lifestyle that my life and the lives of others depend on. I used to go to the gym and focus primarily on strength training, one or two body parts a day, four to six days a week. Not only was I spending alot of time away from my family but the workouts would leave me sore for days on end. When I realized that I was over training myself, I decided it was time for something new, that's when I discovered Turbulence Training. Within the first four weeks of your program I started noticing results. I was in pretty good shape when I bought your book, but TT makes me feel like a more well rounded fireman. No longer is cardio something I dread doing, with your interval training system I truly enjoy the end of each work out. And I'm spending only 3 days a week in the gym which gives me more time with my family. Craig, thank you for putting a system together that is both efficient and functional."
Gabriel Refuerzo
Aurora Fire Department
Turbulence Training Evolves Into The Most Effective And
Time-Efficient Fat Loss System for Men In The World
Over time, the Turbulence Training fat burning philosophy got even better as I refined, tweaked and re-tested it on myself and my clients until it became a complete training and nutrition methodology. The Turbulence Training belly fat burning exercise programs started producing such breathtaking fat loss results for my clients that they could hardly believe it.
It didn't seem possible that they could achieve rapid fat loss and lose their belly fat with as few as 3 home fitness workouts per week, all under 45 minutes, but the proof was looking right back at them in the mirror.
Just imagine... a fat loss workout program that can get you in and out of the gym in less than an hour, allowing you to get back to your personal life, your busy day at work or home to your kids and family.
Even more remarkable was the fact that this belly fat burning approach was so far ahead of its time and was the exact opposite to what mainstream fitness and fat loss magazines were touting as the best path to fat loss.
Every day I saw men get more frustrated with these ineffective, non-scientific mainstream fat loss plans, I knew my way was the better way and that I had to take it beyond my own clients, out to the public, to shatter these old-school fat loss myths that have hung around since the days of the "aerobics craze."
And this is great news for guys. After all, the last thing we want to do is slow, boring cardio, right? It's great to do strength training and fun bodyweight exercises, and yeah it's a blast to move like an athlete again in interval training, but who wants to be stuck on a treadmill or crosstrainer machine for 45 or 60 minutes going nowhere. That's not how a guy should train!
That's why I put the Turbulence Training strength training and interval training workouts into a special brand new Internet package that includes:
- A 136-page exercise routine manual crammed with beginner through advanced fat burning workouts, giving you up to 24 weeks worth of belly fat burning workouts - VALUE of over $397
- An exclusive one hour MP3 audio going over every detail of the Turbulence Training belly fat burning workouts and fat loss philosophy - VALUE $165
When I write my monthly belly fat burning workouts for clients, each 4-week program costs $100. But in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss exercise routine manual, you get access to five Advanced Fat Loss Workouts, and three introductory workouts that progress you from Beginner to Advanced. That 26 week package would easily be worth more than $397 if you were a private client of mine.
Plus, if you trained with me one-on-one, you would have to schedule your appointment 3-months in advance (my training schedule is booked solid!) at $150 per session. And if you had questions about Turbulence Training (like the ones I answer in the one hour MP3 audio program), an hour phone consultation would cost you $165. But instead, you get this in-depth audio interrogation for FREE as part of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss package.
- Total Value of the Package is over $550. But you'll pay only $39.95.
1) Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines, by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.
(Retail Value = $24.99)
You need to eat right to lose fat, and this nutrition guideline shows men and women exactly which foods to choose, how often to eat, how much protein to get, and a shocking list of foods you MUST avoid to lose fat and improve your health. Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., is one of the most respected Registered Dieticians in America, appearing on the Montel Williams Show, writing for Men's Health, Weight Watchers, and Prevention magazines.
2) Turbulence Training DB-BW Fusion Fat Loss 8-Week Program (Retail Value = $24.99)
By combining a dumbbell exercise and a bodyweight exercise, you'll be able to do these Turbulence Training belly fat burning workouts even faster than ever before. Just wait till you try these fat loss workouts. You'll be blown away by the effectiveness of the dumbbell-bodyweight superset combinations. So fast, so simple, yet so efficient at burning fat.
3) Busy Dads Workout (Retail Value = $29.99)
The World's Busiest Dad and personal trainer, Chris Lopez, shares with you his 20-minute workout secrets to get Dad's back into fighting shape so they can keep up with their kids and outlast their wives.
4) Turbulence Training for Muscle 8-Week Program
(Retail Value = $24.99)
Burn fat, then build the muscle. Don 't get caught without having a beach body. Once you burn all the belly fat you want, switch to this advanced muscle-building program to get the biceps, chest, and calves that will give you a "stand-out in the crowd" physique.
5) Transformation Secrets: Get the Expert's Insider Tips on How to Maximize Your 12-Week Fat Loss Program
You'll learn the insider fat burning secrets from 3 of the most experienced Transformation Trainers in North America. We squeezed every last one of their fat burning secrets from them so YOU can achieve your ultimate body transformation.
It will help the absolute beginner and even the fitness competitor. This special report contains detailed, step-by-step information for every fat loss level.
No fat burning stone was left unturned, diet plans were scrutinized and reviewed, and they share the exact details for looking your best on the big day (whether it is at a wedding, a physique contest, or simply to be ready for your transformation "after" photos).
6) Turbulence Training 30-Days to Advanced Fat Loss Program
(Retail Value = $19.99)
Just what the title says. I designed this program for a personal trainer that I was training (Yep, I'm considered a trainer to the trainers) and we needed to get maximum fat burning results in only 30 days. By choosing the exercises that gave him the most results in the least amount of time, he was able to impress his clients (and get more clients) thanks to his Turbulence Traning fat loss.
7) Turbulence Training Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program (Retail Value = $24.99)
The most challenging Turbulence Training workout to date. This 4-week program combines advanced athletic moves with dumbbell exercises AND bodyweight exercises into one of the most intense belly fat burning workouts I've ever designed. Once you are finished with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, use this workout to build the body of your dreams in as little time as possible.
Plus, you now get a 3-Month Basic Level Membership to the Turbulence Training Discussion Fat Burning Forums & Other Exclusive Fat Loss Info (Value $19.95)

Have your #1 fat loss questions answered by Oxygen magazine expert, Craig Ballantyne. You'll also read Craig's interrogations of other fat loss experts, download Craig's weight loss teleseminars to listen to anytime and anywhere, learn insider secrets from other Turbulence Training success stories, and benefit from the #1 factor overlooked in fat loss programs today, "The power of social support" - it really is the secret to your fat burning success.
AND...If you join today, you'll also get access to TWO killer ab workouts, including the Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs and my classic, Turbulence Training for Abs. But hurry, these programs will only be available for a limited time!
And the best part is that you can download all of these belly fat burning workouts from the Internet in just minutes and start using these fat burning techniques today!

Click here to order and start building muscle and burning fat today!
Give Me Just 45 Minutes, 3 Days A Week And I Will Show You How To Transform Your Body, Burn Belly Fat, And Have Fun In The Process!
With the Turbulence Training fat burning workouts, you'll lose fat, gain muscle, get stronger, and still get out of the gym in under an hour while training as little as 3 days per week. You'll conquer the "No time" problem we all face in our fast paced lives today, giving you more time to enjoy the body you've worked so hard to achieve.
You'll no longer have to spend countless hours in the gym using ineffective training methods and remaining disappointed by the results. Plus, no more slow, boring wimpy cardio workouts. Turbulence Training works for burning belly fat, and it works fast.
The best part of all: These fat burning workouts are fun, manly, and challenging so you can actually enjoy the process of melting away the fat and adding muscle. Why should you suffer through endless hours of deadly boring cardio exercise and tedious set after set of traditional bodybuilding strength training when you can actually have fun and get results at the same time?
Wouldn't you rather be in the gym less and outside more in the spring, summer, and fall?
Following the Turbulence Training plan requires only three 45-minute belly fat burning workouts per week, while giving you more days off to enjoy your life, spend with your family, or to take part in other hobbies and activities.
Thousands of readers and trainers, as well as Men's Fitness and Men's Health magazines, agree that Turbulence Training is the #1 way to fast fat loss.
Former Football Lineman Lost Fat While Cutting His Workouts By More Than Half the Time
"I used to think you needed to spend hours in the gym everyday in order to see results. With the help of CB and Turbulence Training, I have reduced my workouts from 2 hours per day, everyday, to 50 minutes every other day. All the while I have trimmed body fat off my now lean and muscular body. Thanks CB!!!"
Rob Vickers, Toronto
Top Personal Trainer & Busy Dad Uses Turbulence Training for More Energy
"I use the Turbulence Training Workouts for both my clients and myself. My clients enjoy Turbulence Training because of the varied routines and the high intensity workouts that they are guaranteed. For me personally, I've noticed a significant reduction in body fat and an increase in energy levels over 4 weeks from this program than any other program template that I have tried (coupled with the proper diet of course). I've tried other methods, but Turbulence Training is the fastest and best way to reduce body fat and maintain lean mass. It's a must if leaning down is your goal."
Chris Lopez, one of Toronto's Top Personal Trainers and World's Busiest Dad
Top Australian Personal Trainer Chooses Turbulence Training to Avoid Sore Joints While Training Hard, Fast, and Consistently
"I am a Melbourne, Australia based personal trainer and martial arts
instructor with many years experience in the industry. I have been using the
TT programs and principles in my own training and that of my clients and
have been very impressed with the results, as have they.
My clients are training harder on briefer, more effective programs and are
happy with the results to say the least. The training principles I've used
for years have always been on the quality rather than quantity side, but the
innovative program structuring that goes with TT is great and provides
plenty of variety and challenge.
Furthermore, from a personal perspective, my joints which have been battered
after years of martial arts and heavy weight training are now more pain free
and enable me to hit the gym and train hard and consistently. You have my
full endorsement."
Sean Bowring
Zanshin Fitness Solutions
Melbourne, Australia
Top American Personal Trainer Says Turbulence Training Cuts Through the Bull of Fat Loss Info...
"Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is a program that cuts through all the exercise hooplah and gets to exactly what works -- how to design your fat loss programs and perform them properly. This is not another "weight loss" book. It is a training tool that you can use to build a BETTER BODY!'
Chris Scarborough, CSCS, Alabama
Milwaukee's Top Personal Trainer Uses Turbulence Training to Build Muscle and Lose Fat
"Craig's Turbulence Training programs have been my mainstay in the gym for the last year and a half. Using his programs I have added pounds of muscle and lost pounds of fat. There is no simpler (notice I said simpler NOT easier) way to lose fat and gain muscle than through the Turbulence Training programs. The lower body supersets in Turbulence Training for fat loss showed me what a REAL workout feels like! As a trainer in
, I use his programs or at least the Turbulence Training principals everytime I step in to the gym for myself, or one of my clients."
Bill Lyon, NSCA-CPT
Certified Personal Trainer Tells Everyone About Turbulence Training...and How Turbulence Training OVER-Delivers
"Turbulence Training is absolutely incredible. I've worked out for years and spent many dollars on personal trainers with very minimal results. TT is the only way to go. There really isn't even a close second! I'm telling everybody who will listen about TT. There's so much junk out there that I love telling people when I find something that is really great. One of the things I say about you on my website is that you over-deliver. You over-deliver like nobody I've ever seen. Keep up the GREAT WORK."
Steve Tuggle, CPT
Buff, Busy Sales Exec Burns Body Fat and Gets Out of the Gym in Less Than an Hour
"I have been training for over 8yrs and I have never come across a training program that works so effective at building strength and size through out my entire body. I would recommend Turbulence Training to anyone who wants to build strength and size while reducing body fat at the same time. The best part about it is I am in and out of the gym in about an hour."
Mike Lanzalone, Ad Exec,
Turbulence Training Saves Time...He Can Fit in a Workout At Any Time
"Craig, I have really enjoyed your TT workouts for the pure time I am saving on my workouts. It is stopping me stressing over finding time to exercise. I can fit a workout in anytime now it is great."
David Virgo
If You Want a Real Workout, Get Turbulence Training
"I've found the various Turbulence Training programs to be tremendous. The supersets allow one to get a lot of work done in a short period of time, which greatly reduces the time commitment necessary to see real progress, while the non-competing nature of the supersets enables steady strength increases. For people who want a real workout without spending hours in the gym, Turbulence Training programs are, to me, the best way to go."
Mike Adams,
Get More Done in the Gym
Quit Wasting Your Time
With a neverending supply of confusing fitness & fat loss info, most guys are getting nowhere with their belly fat burning workouts. But that's because they are using slow, boring, ineffective cardio workouts designed for women, not for men.
If you want to get a flat stomach, 6-packs, and single-digit body fat, you need to use the strength training, bodyweight exercises, and interval training found in Turbulence Training. There is a way to build muscle and burn belly fat at the same time. It's safe, efficient, and effective. And it goes against the crowd.
Find out how you can secure your beach body and burn belly fat with the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts. As seen in Men's Fitness magazine (Feb. 2004 and Oct. 2004), Turbulence Training for Fat Loss is becoming the most popular belly fat burning program in the world.
And with the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss exercise routine manual , you'll get as much training information as you would from five issues of a regular fitness magazine. And if you're sick of having to flip through male underwear ads and bogus supplement ads masked as articles, let me assure you, there's none of that in the Turbulence Training program.

Here's A Peek Inside the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss exercise routine manual...
- The Theory of Turbulence Training: Why a Successful Fat Loss Program Depends on Variety
Discover why you must change your belly fat burning workout programs frequently in order to maximize your fat loss results, and learn exactly how often you'll need to vary your strength training workouts. You'll also learn the fascinating details of the science behind the Turbulence Training belly fat burning system so you'll understand the reasons why these fat loss workouts are so effective.
- Quick Start FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About Turbulence Training To Start Getting Fat Burning Results Fast
This short and sweet quick-start guide tells you everything you need to know and everything you need to do so you can hit the ground running and get started within minutes of downloading the belly fat burning program. You can order at 4pm on a Monday afternoon and be in the gym burning fat by 4:30pm.
- Turbulence Training Lifestyle Review
Find out the #1 most important lifestyle factor in a successful fat loss workout program as well as the most important health and fitness partnerships you can ever make. You'll also receive a 21-Day Guideline for building healthy fat loss habits. Simple, yet serious steps to make your belly fat burning workout a success.
- The Turbulence Training Workout Guidelines
Detailed, Step-by-Step, Exercise-by-Exercise, Rep-by-Rep instructions so you'll be able to maximize your results by following the belly fat burning workouts to the letter. Take the guesswork out of strength training and interval training, and use these simple instructions to double your fat burning results while cutting your fat loss workout time in half.
- Introductory Level Turbulence Training Workout
Even if you're a total beginner' just getting off the couch - you can use Turbulence Training, starting with this safe (and highly effective) introductory level fat loss workout.
No matter what kind of shape you're in now, the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program will take you by the hand and lead you through the proper exercise progression, giving you a suitable fat burning program for your fitness level. This bodyweight-only exercise routine will strengthen your abdominal muscles and help you prepare for more advanced belly fat burning workouts down the road.
- Beginner Level Turbulence Training Workout
The Beginner Workout will kick-start your fat loss results by giving you even more effective fat burning exercises and interval cardio exercise programs. You'll be pleasantly surprised how quick and effective even the Beginner Turbulence Training workout can be for burning belly fat.
- Intermediate Turbulence Training Workout
This kick-butt intermediate workout will take your fat loss to another level even at home without fancy equipment! Even experienced exercisers will be surprised by the difficulty and effectiveness of this 4-Week fat burning plan.
- The Original Turbulence Training Fat Burning Workout
This is the belly fat burning workout that started the Turbulence Training fat-loss revolution! It's the original Turbulence Training program that thousands of satisfied men have used to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, in the privacy of their own homes, with just three workouts a week. The success stories and testimonials prove this is the most efficient, time-effective fat loss workout exercise program on the market.
- Turbulence Training 2K3 - Building Maximum Muscle
Who said fat loss workouts can't give you a tremendous muscle-pump, better arms, and a bigger chest? Based on the success of the Turbulence Training principles, this upper-body, lower-body split routine will help you pack on muscle while losing fat like never before. TT2K3 was voted my most popular belly fat burning program by Turbulence Training users.
- Turbulence Training 2K4 - Amazing Upper Body Pump
Turbulence Training 2K4 is an advanced fat loss workout that will challenge you, even if you are already in great shape. It uses varying rep ranges and single-limb exercises to stimulate your metabolism to new levels. You'll burn fat in and out of the workouts, and even while you sleep!
- Turbulence Training 2K5 - Builds Muscle While Burning Fat
You've never done total-body fat loss workouts like this before. Put the finishing touches on your physique with this challenging and advanced 4-Week fat burning plan.
- Bonus Turbulence Training 2K6 Workout
This fat burning program was just added to the updated version of the Turbulence Training fat loss workout. It contains some of the most up-to-date belly fat burning training methods in a fun and challenging fast fat burning workout.
- Bonus Turbulence Training "Total Body Ten" Bodyweight Workout
If you're an "over-achiever" and you're keen about doing everything possible to build razor-sharp abs as quickly as possible, then you can add this belly fat burning workout once per week to your weight loss plan.
Featuring new bodyweight exercises that you might never have done, you'll get a flat stomach and burn belly fat at the same time. Scientific-based ab training is all part of the research-proven Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.
- Fat Burning Exercise Photos & Descriptions
Not only do you get complete workout charts with exercises, sets, reps and very other detail, you also get photos of every fat burning Turbulence Training exercise.
You'll see the start and finish photos for all of the Turbulence Training exercises, well as detailed descriptions to ensure that you are doing every fat burning movement to its full potential, giving you maximum results from each fat burning workout.

Click here to order and start building muscle and burning fat today!
Learn Nutrition Secrets That Will Help You Wake Up Tomorrow With Overnight Changes In Your Body
Each Turbulence Training fat-blasting workout can be followed for up to 4 weeks, but you also need a step-by-step nutrition for fat loss guideline. Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and contributor to LL Cool J's workout book, and has been an advisor to the University of Louisville sports teams.
By achieving the standard fat loss of one pound per week, don't be surprised when you're over 15 pounds of fat lighter and fitting in to jeans several times smaller. Some Turbulence Training users have even gotten back to their college weight with these workouts and by following the bonus Turbulence Training nutrition guidelines.
Changed His Body Literally Overnight With Turbulence Training Nutrition
"Craig, thanks to the Turbulence Training Nutrition guidelines, I woke up the next morning and already saw improvement in my whole body! Unbelievable. I can hardly wait to see my physique after 2 weeks of Turbulence Training."
Arthur Capone, New York City
Joe Murray, Lawyer, Toronto
Turbulence Training Reduces Blood Pressure and Improves Health
"I will not forget what you have done for me, my blood pressure is getting better, I am eating better and looking better. "
Joe Hallman, High School Football Coach, Pennsylvania
Chiropractor Recommends the Turbulence Training Core Training
"As a chiropractor I have seen, studied, and used many training systems. For me personally, I find Turbulance Training fun, challenging, and most importantly highly effective for fat loss. I especially enjoy the highly efficient nature of the workouts so I can accomplish a lot in just three sessions a week. Professionally speaking the core training that is part of Turbulence Training is excellent for stabilizing and preventing injuries especially in the low back area. (If you have a current back concern, please consult your family doctor or chiropractor prior to any training.) Thanks Craig for all your work."
Ronald C. Wichin, DC
Turbulence Training Boosts Energy and Confidence
"After taking an extended 10 month break from the gym, I knew it was time to get back at it. I started using CB's Turbulence Training Program and have been extremely pleased with my results. After 8 weeks on the program, my strength has returned and my energy level is back up where it should be! I have used the interval training program along with the nutritional guidelines to maintain a healthy solid weight. Most importantly, my confidence in my workouts has benefited the most as I have made steady gains and continue to do so at week 16! Thanks for the program and all your training reports. "Paul Kim, Brampton, Ontario
Smartest Man in Fitness Says Turbulence Training is Too Cheap!
"Craig, the Turbulence Training workouts are nothing less than outstanding. You've literally taken the best science and mixed in your own experience to create one of the most powerful training systems I've come across, and you know I've done a little bit of reading myself. Most programs that people follow are done on certain level of faith that the "expert" knows what he's talking about. In the reports, not only do you demonstrate your expertise in manipulating body composition or building muscle in the shortest time possible, but you have the research to back it up. Oh, and by the way, you need to charge more. The reports are too valuable to just give away at the current price."
Bill Hartman, CSCS, PT, "The Smartest Man in Fitness" as voted by his fitness peers
Repeat TT Customer Recommends Turbulence Training to His Colleagues
"Thanks again for your help-I've purchased several of your products in the past and have recommended some to my athletes and colleagues. Keep up the good work and needed service!"
Fred Cantor, Maryland
The Best Fat Loss Product AND the Best Fat Loss Service Support
"Yours is truly the best product and service support on the market today. Unbelievably excellent!"
Fred Soto
Turbulence Training is the Best Kept Secret in the Fitness World
"Craig, I am so impressed with how you conduct your business, your professionalism, quality and responsiveness is really unequaled. You are truly the best kept secret in the fitness world."
Bobby Logan, Connecticut

Click here to order and start building muscle and burning fat today!
Try Turbulence Training For 8 Full Weeks
With A No-Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
"Test drive" the Turbulence Training workouts for the next 8 weeks with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much fat you can lose or how much muscle you can gain. You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee on our fat burning workouts.
You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with the belly fat burning program, or you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
In fact, if you're not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many men transform their bodies while saving so much time by using these amazing fat burning workouts, I'm totally confident that you're going to love these fat loss workouts too and you'll start seeing the best results of your life.
Stop Wasting Money On Outdated, Ineffective Training Programs, And Try The Proven Turbulence Training Fat Burning Method Today
Look, I know how difficult it is to find real, expert, science-based advice on fitness and fat loss workouts these days. It's not your fault. With all the conflicting information you hear on TV and the outdated advice printed in magazines, it's no wonder so many people are bored with their fat burning workouts and frustrated with their lack of fat loss results.
That's exactly why I created a belly fat burning program based on research-proven techniques and tested it in the real world on myself and on my private training clients before releasing it to you. That's also why I'm offering it to you with such a generous no risk guarantee.
Turbulence Training has worked for thousands of others and it will work for you too or you can keep the fat burning program for FREE, it's as simple as that. All you have to do is click on the link below to order & and I promise you are going to be blown away with how good you look in the mirror in a very, very short time!
Craig Ballantyne, CTT Certified Turbulence Trainer
Author, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
Men's Health Magazine Fitness Expert
Oxygen Magazine Training Advisory Board
P.S. There is NO RISK at all for you to try Turbulence Training. If you aren't thrilled with the decreased workout time and increased fat loss and energy from the Turbulence Training system in 8 weeks, let us know and we'll refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Turbulence Training has already been trusted by the biggest fitness magazines in the world (Men's Health & Shape) for fat burning, and I guarantee it will work for you too!
P.P.S. If you are sick and tired of spending hours upon hours in the gym doing ineffective fat burning workouts and getting next to no results, then use Turbulence Training to cut back on your workout time, boost your metabolism (allowing you to burn calories and fat ALL day and night), and help you lose inches and fit back into your old clothes.
P.P.P.S. There's only one catch to all this. You need to act now to get the complete bonus package along with the exercise routine manual (including the valuable one-hour MP3 audio). With all the new bonuses I've just added, I've been told this package is way too cheap now and the price will be going up very soon. Or, if I decide to keep the price the same, the bonuses may be withdrawn at any time and put up for sale separately.
Order now so you don't miss out on this great bonus package deal!
Certified Trainer Drops Fat Using Turbulence Training...
"As a certified fitness professional for more than 8 years, I have come across every kind of "fat-loss" promise...with Turbulence Training, i have dropped BODY FAT. Since many of Craig's programs require minimum equiptment, or none at all,except your own body weight, they are ideal for the home client, as well as the "road warrior". Along with a safe, sanesensible eating plan, which NEVER leaves me hungry, I credit Turbulence Training for my body change accomplishments."
Jason Koronakos, NY
He's Lost Fat and is Ready to Save Money on His Life Insurance Premiums...
"Combined with a realistic and healthy nutritional eating regime, in 6 weeks I have lost fat. Bear in mind that I was not excessively overweight but I am now in my ideal weight range (with abs) without dropping off existing musculature.
As far as internal health goes my cholesterol has dropped. Guess what! my life insurance premiums will reduce accordingly if i keep it this way. I can tell you that this point alone covers the cost many times over. Did I mention I feel great. This stuff works. I would like to convey my appreciation to Craig on a fantastic service."
Alan Rogers, Australia
Turbulence Training is an Affordable Fat Burning System
"Turbulence Training is phenomenal, Craig's system has taught me more about bodyweight exercises than I knew was possible. Also with a busy life style he offers exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime with little to no equipment. It is affordable and worthwhile. Thanks Craig."
Darren Motuz, Winnipeg Manitoba
NOTE: Turbulence Training For Fat Loss is a downloadable exercise routine manual. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the exercise routine manual and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The exercise routine manual format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
CB Athletic Consulting, Inc.
2100 Bloor Street West, Suite 6315
Toronto, Ontario
M6S 5A5