Dear Turbulence Training Friend,
You may have known that in the past I’ve collaborated with New York City’s hottest personal trainer, John Romaniello, to create the exclusive fat burning workout series, TT Clash of the Titans.
These workouts combine the best of Romaniello’s fat burning methods PLUS all the classic and research proven - workout techniques you’ve come to expect from Turbulence Training. Simply put, these advanced workouts are guaranteed fat burners.
But as the word “exclusive” suggests, not everyone has been fortunate enough to get these I-hate-you-this-is-so-hard-but-i-love-you-for-giving-me-my-abs-back-workouts. That’s because these unique programs that build muscle and burn fat at the SAME time - have only ever been made available, individually, as bonuses accompanying other programs.
Not anymore…
Now you can take advantage of a NO-BRAINER DEAL and get the first THREE TT Clash of the Titans workouts for just 7 dollars.
Think about it… you essentially get two PROVEN personal trainers for 3 full months of workouts - and you pay 7 measly dollars for all their invaluable years of experience.
Let’s take a look at exactly what you’ll get for $7…
TT Clash of the Titans
The main reason “Clash of the Titans” even started was because good my friends, and fat loss experts, John Romaniello and Joel Marion created a workout program that I thought could be made even better…
… and so that’s what I set out to do with the original TT Clash of the Titans. It was “lil’ ol’ me” vs. “The Titans, Joel Marion & John Romaniello”.
And even though this program was originally designed to work hand-in-hand with Joel Marion’s Extreme Fat Loss Diet, anointing it the Ultimate 25-day step-by-step plan to lose the most fat you’ve ever lost with any diet and exercise program, I guarantee that it’s still going to be one of the most effective fat burning workout programs you’ve ever used.
Specifically, you’ll use a 25-day program where you train 4 out of 5 days on an intense 5-day cycle, including a metabolic circuit day, a bodyweight-intervals day, a strength day, another metabolic circuit day, and then a bodyweight-intervals circuit day.
Clash of the Titans 2: Ballantyne Strikes Back
After the smashing success of the original advanced “Titans” workout, Romaniello and I paired up once again in Ballantyne Strikes Back. Sure Romanz gets the first and second laugh in this workout program, but I get the devastating final one. Mwa-ha-ha-ha.
Workout A: Enter the Roman
Romaniello kick-starts the battle with an exhausting workout that features three density challenges, not to mention a tough upper body superset sandwiched in the middle to give you an extra fat burning kick in the butt.
Workout B: Attack of the Roman
This time Romaniello throws down the fat burning gauntlet and challenges you to a new style of metabolic resistance training that includes circuits, trisets, and timed challenges.
Workout C: Ballantyne Strikes Back
Finally, I get a chance to punish you with a total body workout, featuring the Big 6, the Big 3, and the Beach-Body Triset, all using a taste of Romanz' own medicine.
Clash of the Titans: World War III
The third round of the fat burning fight features The Romanz exacting his revenge and enjoying what he thinks is the last laugh on all of us.
The good news is that despite cursing The Romanz throughout these workouts, you’re going to burn a LOT of stubborn body fat from specific body parts. Here’s a peak of the program…
Workout A: Romanz puts you through a Density superset, followed by a twist on lunges and rows you won't soon forget.
Workout B: Upper Body Annihilation… with squeeze presses and rolling triceps.
Workout C: Total body metabolic carnage.
Workout D: Pure, unadulterated evil with a barbell.
Simply put, all three “Clash of the Titans” workouts are advanced for a reason they’ll shred unwanted body fat and build lean, sexy muscle fast.
Going, Going, Gone
Like I said before, these workouts are NOT available anywhere, and even if they were, you’d have to pay $29.95 per workout. But by taking action right now, you’ll get all three workouts (from two of the top fat loss experts in the world), for just $7, saving you over 90% off the regular price in the process.