Craig Ballantyne, and his dog Bally,
with 6-pack abs sculpted by
Turbulence Training
We’ve learned a lot about muscle training over the years.
That’s why each new Meathead program always includes the latest training techniques for getting leaner, bigger, and stronger in the least amount of time.
Advanced training methods like the ones found in TT Meatheads 9: Spring Training where you’ll use lighter weights, slightly higher reps, and limit your range-of-motion so that you put more tension on the pecs.
It’s this type of training that’s GREAT for muscle growth.
And you’ll find that and more in the 2013 Meathead Workout package. Now let’s have a closer look at what’s inside.
Here's what you'll get today:
TT Meatheads 9: Spring Training
Discover classic exercises with modern day twists – like the 1/2 reps style – that’ll help you gain lean muscle, without fat, so you’re ready for Spring Break and Summer’s on the beach.
You'll love Workout A – Pumptitude. This workout gives you an upper body pump, while introducing some newer training methods that are great for muscle GROWTH.
Not to mention a brutal 6-minute chin-up challenge that’ll leave your arms "swole", as the kids like to say, a Leg Blaster and a Pull and Pump day for total body development.
Time to leave the skinny fat guy look behind and build an amazing body.
TT Meatheads 5x5
The latest 5x5 Meatheads System is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. In fact, it’s the BEST one yet.
You’ll use the classic 5x5 system (5 rounds of 5 reps) combined with a Turbulence Training TWIST to DOUBLE your strength while putting on lean muscle that makes you look jacked.
And here’s the cool thing… After you’ve done 4 weeks, you can just switch the main exercises up (I explain how in the manual) to do another 4 weeks. So really you’re getting a TWO-in-ONE muscle-building program.
TT Meatheads Pump
TT Meatheads Pump crushes all other programs with its unique combination of upper and lower body gauntlets, classic lifts, and amazing vein-popping supersets.
This is one of my favorite Meatheads programs and for good reason...
Inside you’ll discover how to take your body through “fun” muscle building pumps while gaining incredible strength and sculpting ripped muscle at the same time.