Workout Program
The Best Workout Program for Weight Loss
The best workout program for weight loss is simple. First, you actually need to do LESS cardio than you are doing now. After all, research study after research study proves that cardio is ineffective for weight loss.
Second, you need to do resistance training to sculpt your body and lose fat. One research study found that men and women (average age of 62!) were able to burn 4 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks with resistance training.
Third, you need to do interval training. This is alternating periods of short, burst exercise, and I explain it more in my manual and workout videos.
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All in all, you only need to workout 3 times per week for fat loss, and then stay "active" on your off days, but this can mean a lot of things.
The main goal of off-day activity is to keep your butt off a chair for at least 30 minutes. And you should have fun doing it. The key is to do something you enjoy. Your "off-day" exercise should not be thought of as a workout, but rather as a leisure and health pursuit. You should really look forward to doing what you have planned for this day.
On the other hand, there are two things you must avoid with off day activities. First, you don't want to workout too hard and get sore so you end up ruining the next "real workout".
And second, you don't want to exercise too hard that you impair recovery from the previous "real workout".
Be conservative. When in doubt, do less. For beginners and intermediates, you could do 30 minutes of cardio, walking, domestic work, or a combination of bodyweight exercises (easy ones) and cardio. Yoga, Pilates, dancing, and stretching are also acceptable off-day forms of exercise. Plus, they are highly beneficial for stress reduction, which should be one of the main benefits you get from your off- day form of exercise.
NOTE: Just like any other activity, you can over-do and over-use your body in Yoga, Pilates, and Mobility exercises. Please be very careful and only work with qualified instructors who are experienced in working with beginners.
If you want to do "traditional cardio", then do what is called "cross-training". That means using a different form of cardio each workout or doing 10 minutes of 3 different cardio methods within the same workout. This will help avoid overuse injuries, which is one of the main downfalls of cardio (along with inefficiency).
The heavier you are, the more you should focus on non-weight bearing activities at this time until you lose a significant amount of weight.
So swimming, the elliptical trainer, and the stationary bike might be most appropriate at this time. If you choose to do walking or dancing, please make sure you have the appropriate footwear and if you feel any onset of overuse injury switch to another activity.
Finally, for those that are super-fit and looking for that little extra to remove the last bit of body fat, you can use additional bodyweight circuit training. But again, make sure it does not impair tomorrow's performance or recovery from yesterday's workout.
The best workout program is only 3 days per week of resistance training and interval training, and then 4 days per week of staying active through activities of your choice. Let your weight loss program be fun for once, and that way you'll stick to it.
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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