Best Ways to Burn Fat
5 Best Ways to Burn Fat
Are you ready to give up? Have you tried all the infomercial fat loss programs but still not getting results? Are you still looking for the best ways to burn fat?
If so, then today's your lucky day. Each of those programs focuses on one or two pieces of the puzzle, but doesn't put them all together. There is a perfect plan for weight loss, and you're going to discover it today, just like Catherine Gordon did. Here's her story.
Like many 40-something moms, Catherine still carried around baby fat from her pregnancy, and she was struggling to lose weight with long, slow cardio workouts. In fact, she just wasn't getting anywhere.
But one day, Catherine stumbled across a fat loss transformation contest on the Internet. The contest offered a cash prize and required her to start and finish before a certain date, plus she had to use a short, burst workout routine that was proven to work.
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Not only did it offer her an incentive to lose weight, but it also gave her a deadline - which is one of the best ways to get someone to burn fat. This combination of incentive and a deadline is what's missing from most of those other programs.
However, that's not all that helped Catherine lose over 14 pounds and 14 inches (while looking 14 years younger) in just 12 weeks. Her contest was set up in a way that had one huge benefit over the previous contests such as those in Body-for-Life.
In the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, Catherine used a weight loss forum to get social support from men and women all over the world. They encouraged her, inspired her, motivated her, and supported her on bad days. It was powerful.
Isn't it amazing that so far we've covered 3 of the best ways to burn fat (incentive, deadline, social support) and haven't even talked about diet or exercise yet? Well, I guess it's time. Let's take a look at the new workouts Catherine loves (because they are short).
Catherine discovered that she needed to do resistance training to sculpt her body, and that she could lose fat by doing bodyweight exercises and dumbbell workouts. No one had ever told her that before. Instead, all she got was cardio propaganda!
She also uncovered the secrets of a simple form of exercise called interval training, where she went hard and then went easy in the same mini-workout. It was powerful fat burning exercise, and her workouts were done faster than any other cardio program she ever used.
So let's wrap up the 5 best ways to burn fat. The first two keys are get an incentive and set a deadline to lose fat - it could be a contest, a special event like a wedding, or even a doctor's appointment where you need to improve your health.
Third, get social support on the Internet or in real life. Hang around others who want to lose weight to leverage their knowledge, commitment, support, and success. Fourth, use resistance training to sculpt your body and burn fat. And finally, use interval training to burn fat, rather than long slow cardio.
Of course, the bonus tip and one of the best ways to burn fat is to eat whole, natural foods. These will fill you up and help you lose weight faster than ever, plus you'll look years younger and have more energy. I can't wait to hear about YOUR success story with these secrets that will help you lose weight, burn fat, and shed inches from your body. |
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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