Abdominal Workouts
The only form of exercise that might be an even bigger waste of time than cardio is most people's abdominal workouts. Doing crunches is not going to give you a flat stomach or six pack abs. Crunches are a joke.
In fact, if you have back pain or sometimes feel like your back is stiff, chances are the problem is coming from doing too many crunches or situps in your ab workouts. Research shows that the crunch and situp movement is the exact same movement that causes serious back injury! Just say NO to crunches.
So if crunches are a waste of time, what should you be doing? Well, the good news is that if you want a flat stomach and to burn belly fat, the truth is that you never have to suffer from the dishonor of lying on a gross, sweaty mat or carpet ever again.
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The three best ways to lose belly fat are a whole, natural foods diet, interval training, and resistance training. And the best way to get a strong, safe, lean set of abs is with scientifically proven abdominal workouts.
Let's focus just on the ab exercises for today…and if you need to lose a lot of belly fat, just use the Turbulence Training Interval program. But for your ab workouts, here's what you'll need to do.
First, skip the crunches and situps. Replace those with the plank exercise and the side plank exercise. Before you even think of moving on to advanced ab exercises, you'll need to master those two movements.
You must be able to hold the plank exercise for 90 seconds before you graduate to advanced ab exercises. A plank is done by resting your bodyweight on your toes and forearms while your body hovers above the ground in a straight line. Keep your abs braced, and don't worry if your body starts shaking - you'll get better!
A side plank is done by rotating that plank position 90 degrees so that your weight is supported by only one forearm and you are no longer facing the ground. Keep your body in a straight line and brace those abs. This exercise will fatigue your obliques but also will help eliminate back pain, unlike all those cross crunches you used to do.
Before you move on, you should be able to hold a side plank for 45 seconds. But once you can accomplish those two goals, you can start using more advanced stability ball ab exercises in your workouts - but we'll skip crunches on the ball as those are also bad for your back.
The first stability ball ab exercise I recommend is the stability ball plank. This is 30% harder for your abs than the regular plank, but the exercise is almost identical. However, instead of placing your arms on the floor, you'll rest your forearms on the ball. You'll feel your abs working harder immediately.
Next up is the stability ball rollout. This is one of my favorite ab workout exercises and it is similar to the ab wheel that you've seen on infomercials. You'll need to have strong abs to do this, and that's why you must graduate through the plank stages. I use this exercise a lot in the advanced Turbulence Training workouts.
In the rollout, you'll start in the kneeling position and have your arms resting on the ball. Then you'll roll forward and keep your body in a straight line. This will stretch the abs and then you need to contract your abs to return to the starting position. Don't do a lot of this exercise the first time you try it, because your abs will be really sore the next day.
Those are just a few of the scientifically proven exercises that should be in your abdominal workouts. So drop the crunches - and the cardio - and start getting your real results today!
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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