Fat Loss Muscle
If you want to know how to speed up your fat burning results, you need to get more fat burning muscle, or fat loss muscle as I like to call it. But let’s get one thing straight, you won’t get big and bulky with this system. Let me explain…
You can boost your metabolism and burn more belly fat by training for fat loss muscle. You’ll use resistance training supersets to sculpt your muscles and chisel your abs, but you’ll also use interval training to burn belly fat and get rid of the layers of body fat covering your thighs and abs.
Traditional cardio workouts just don’t do the job when it comes to boosting your metabolism, losing your love handles, and getting rid of fat from your thighs. Why not? Because cardio doesn’t take advantage of your fat loss muscle.
Let’s look at how to work on getting your muscles to do the most fat burning work. Most men and women don’t think that resistance training is important for fat loss, but more and more research is showing that resistance training can help you burn fat all on its own, without any changes in diet or adding extra cardio.
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One study found that men and women over the age of 60 were able to burn four pounds of fat in 12 weeks by using a circuit training resistance training workout. These men and women didn’t change their diets or do any cardio. That’s how powerful fat loss muscle is for fat burning.
To get your fat burning furnace, metabolism boosting muscle working for you, I want you to do three total-body, multi-muscle workouts per week. These will only take you 20 minutes to do.
Start with a bodyweight warm-up circuit to prepare you for your resistance training exercises. This will take you only a couple of minutes, but it is a much better warm-up than wasting your time on the treadmill.
Now you are ready to work your fat loss muscle with resistance training supersets. You’ll pair two exercises together in a superset, using two exercises that don’t work the same muscle groups. This helps you get more fat burning work done in less workout time. For full routines, look inside the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss system.
You can also work your fat loss muscle with bodyweight circuits. These are a combination of resistance training and fat burning interval training, and allow you to get a lot of results without equipment. You can do a fat loss workout anywhere!
Bodyweight exercises will not make you big and bulky. Only over-eating, steroids, and lifting heavy weights for hours per day will make your arms and thighs bigger. So just avoid those three things and you’ll be able to burn fat with your fat loss muscle.
By doing resistance training supersets and bodyweight circuits, you’ll boost your metabolism. Add in interval training, and you’ll lose inches, get a flat stomach, and lose weight faster than ever.
That’s how you lose weight with your fat loss muscle calorie burning system.
WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat. |
MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. |
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