Burning Fat Calories
Worrying about burning fat calories during your workouts is a big waste of time. Why? Because it doesn't matter how many fat calories you use during exercise. That doesn't guarantee weight loss.
Long, slow cardio is not the best way to burn fat. In fact, you might have heard about the controversial article in Time magazine that said exercise does nothing for weight loss. And that is true, if you are talking about long, slow cardio that focuses on burning fat calories during the workout.
After all, I've found studies that show it takes 50 hours of cardio to lose 1 pound. Other studies have found that cardio causes people to overeat and gain weight. That's why I wrote a book called, Just Say NO to Cardio.
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I think that cardio and burning fat calories during your workout is a joke. We need to switch the emphasis from that type of exercise (i.e. the fat burning zone) to the Turbulence Training methods which include resistance training and interval training.
Research shows that interval training works better than doing exercise in the fat burning zone. A study from Australia by Professor Steve Boucher and his graduate students found that 20 minutes of interval training helped women lose belly fat while 40 minutes of slow cardio did not help.
When you do interval training, you're not focused on burning fat calories. In fact, you're not focused on burning calories at all. Instead, you are focused on doing quality intervals, then resting, and then repeating.
You can do interval training on any cardio machine, or outside on a bike or running or walking up hills, or you can play sports, or you can use kettlebells. But you'll agree that none of those types of exercise are focused on calories.
We need to get rid of that mindset. We need to exercise less and lose more fat. We need to stop going to the gym for 90 minutes six days per week. We need to realize that diet is more important than exercise for fat loss.
Only then can we get the bodies we want. So here's what you need to do. First, give up cardio and the "burning fat calories" mindset. Second, start your workouts with a bodyweight warm-up, rather than 5 minutes on a treadmill.
Third, use the Turbulence Training resistance supersets to help you sculpt your body in just 15-20 minutes of strength training. Fourth, follow that up with 15-20 minutes of interval training focused on quality exercise.
Don't worry about burning calories or keeping your heart rate elevated. Worrying about your heart rate is another red herring. People think this is necessary for fat loss, but it is not at all needed.
Finally, train hard three days per week and stay active for fun, health, and mobility on your remaining 4 days of the week. There's no reason not to exercise everyday, but you can do light stretching or yoga or easy walking on your off days. Just keep your butt off the couch for at least 30 minutes.
That's the fat burning Turbulence Training lifestyle that will get you more results in less time!
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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