Reduce Belly Fat
Do you want to reduce belly fat? Do you want to get a flat stomach and maybe even see your abs? And do you want to get these results in less workout time than ever?
If you do, then you must read the rest of this article and discover the 3 simple keys to fat burning success. You'll be able to cut your workout time in half and still burn belly fat and lose inches.
The first thing you need to do is to admit that diet is the most important part of a fat burning program. You can NOT out-exercise a bad diet. So if you think you can eat big meals have pizza every night and then just burn it off by jogging, you're wrong!
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Did you know that a slice of pizza contains about 350 to 500 calories? And how easy is it to eat two big slices and wash it down with a coke? You could probably eat 1100 calories in a pizza parlor in just 10 minutes.
But did you also know that most folks can only burn about 15 calories per minute during hard exercise? That means you'll need to workout as hard as possible (not just jogging, but practically sprinting!) for 73 minutes just to burn off that pizza?
So you can see that diet beats exercise every time and if you want to reduce belly fat that means you absolutely must cut out the junk food and start eating more whole, natural foods like fruits and vegetables and raw nuts.
The second key factor for fat burning success is to increase the intensity of your workouts using interval training and resistance training. Don't do long cardio workouts or use light weights. Both of those are a waste of time.
Instead, switch to Turbulence Training for a proven fat burning workout that will help you get more results in less time. Research shows that interval training helps reduce belly fat better than long, slow cardio.
But you don't need to bulk up like Arnold to get the body sculpting benefits of resistance training. Instead, all you need to do are a couple of exercises three times per week. If you do them as supersets, as the Turbulence Training workouts suggest, you'll get more results in less workout time.
And the third and final factor for fat loss is social support. Now most folks have never heard of this and its why most people struggle to lose weight. They start a plan but then friends or family convince them to cheat on their diet or skip a workout. And the next thing you know you are giving up on your fat burning program. So instead of trying to do this all by yourself, what you need to do is find social support for fat loss. This could include a professional (doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer) for accountability, or a diet buddy at work, or a workout partner. |
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Plus, research shows that the more often you use a weight loss forum online - such as the one you get for free with Turbulence Training - the more weight you will lose. All of those are proven ways to use social support for fat loss.
So that's how easy it is to reduce belly fat. Just combine a whole, natural foods diet with Turbulence Training and social support and you'll lose inches fast while flattening your stomach for good!
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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