Workout Programs
If you want to burn fat and sculpt your body, you have to use a politically incorrect workout program. Say goodbye to the light weights, easy high rep sets, and long duration cardio workouts. After all, cardio is a joke for rapid fat loss results.
So just say NO to cardio and get ready to get down and dirty with interval training, resistance training supersets, and short, burst workouts. There might be grunting, there will definitely be sweating, and you might even say a few "choice words" during your workout. But trust me, your results will be 10 times better and faster.
Fat burning workout programs should look like this. First, you'll start with a bodyweight exercise warm-up rather than wasting your time walking on a treadmill. Treadmill walking does nothing to prepare you for "real world workouts".
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For your workout program's bodyweight warm-up, you'll do a circuit of some interesting exercises, such as overhead squats or prisoner squats, followed by elevated pushups, then 1-leg Romanian deadlifts, and then finish off with mountain climbers or side planks.
By warming up all the muscles of the body, you are now better prepared for the strength training supersets coming next that will help you burn calories (during and after exercise) and sculpt your muscles.
In the Turbulence Training workouts, you'll do 2-3 supersets, meaning you'll pair two exercises together and do them back to back without rest. If you were training with me, I'd probably start you with the toughest leg exercise you can do, such as split squats or even the dreaded Bulgarian split squats.
Exercises like split squats often turn even the nicest women into cursing pirates giving me the evil eye. But then again, I'm often called "the most hated man in fitness" because of these workouts.
Fortunately, as soon as the set is over relief sets in and everyone turns back into a friendly client, just in time for me to give them another dreaded exercise. I usually pair the leg exercise with the most difficult pushup my client can handle.
A beginner would do incline or kneeling pushups, while the most advanced guys and gals would do decline pushups or spiderman pushups. What fun! (For me.) The more you struggle (with good form), the better your results will be.
So that's one superset. We'll do at least one more involving a rowing type exercise for the upper back (such as inverted rows or dumbbell rows) and an exercise for the back of the legs (such as leg curls or good mornings).
The resistance training is short but intense and effective, and we get that done in 20 minutes or less, leaving us plenty of time for fat burning interval training in the workout programs. This is your replacement for useless cardio.
Get ready to burn fat faster than ever - and to hate me even more. By following the Turbulence Training interval workout program, you'll lose more belly fat in just 20 minutes than you would with 40 minutes of slow cardio.
So that's a politically incorrect workout program that will get you more results in less time than ever. But we can still be friends, right?
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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