Fat Burning Supplements
Q: What supplements do you recommend for fat burning?
Not very many. Supplements are generally worthless for gaining muscle and losing body fat. However, if you find it impossible to get all your protein needs from food, you might benefit from a protein shake when trying to lose body fat. So a protein powder is an optional supplement.
I strongly believe all fat burning pills are useless, unless you need some caffeine to stay awake. Why is it that I've never met a person who has had success with a fat burning pill? Everyone I've ever talked to has yet to see results from these so-called "fat burners".
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I find commercial post-workout drinks un-necessary. If your stomach can tolerate chocolate milk I recommend it. High-priced post-workout supplements are nothing but carbohydrate and protein, and anyone can find real food alternatives.
Creatine might be helpful to you on a muscle-building program. Plain creatine powder is all you need. If I were to use it, I would use the 3 day loading period (20 grams per day, split into 4 doses of 5 grams) and consumed with protein and carbohydrate at all times.
While I'm against supplements for muscle building and fat loss, supplements can be of real value for health purposes. While you should be eating a wide variety of fish as part of a healthy diet, you might also consider fish oil supplementation.
Dr. Chris Mohr writes on the TTMember's forum, "If you're trying to prevent heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends a combined 1 g (of EPA and DHA)...if you have elevated triglycerides, upwards of 4 grams. If you're simply looking for general prevention, it's as low as 600 mg (of EPA and DHA combined). Make sure you're eating a wide variety of fish too, though, and not just popping pills. I personally take a little over 2 grams combined EPA/DHA."
Another healthy supplement is Greens-Plus. It provides phytonutrients from a variety of plant sources. This supplement provides an insurance policy for their health.
I look at a Multi-vitamin/Mineral the same way. For many people, their fruits and vegetables intake is lacking, and a vitamin-mineral provides an insurance policy for their health.
The bottom line: Don't expect miracles from supplements. Aim to improve your eating everyday so that you need to rely less on all supplements.
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