Fat Burning Workouts for Women
5 Fat Burning Workouts for Women
If you think the best fat burning workouts for women involve 60-90 minutes of cardio, followed by 30 minutes of light dumbbell exercises, than you are WRONG! That is not the best way for women to burn fat. Instead, there are 5 types of exercise women should do to boost metabolism, burn calories, and lose weight:
1. Interval training
2. High intensity cardio
3. Resistance training with dumbbells
4. Total body ab exercises
5. Bodyweight circuits
At first, this might all sound very strange to you, since personal trainers and fitness magazines all recommend long, slow cardio workouts for fat loss.
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However, what sounds strange to me is that many people continue to do cardio even though it is NOT working for them and they are not losing weight, even though they exercise for 5,7, or 9 hours per week!
By using these 5 fat burning workouts for women, you can finally lose weight, burn inches from your thighs and belly, flatten your stomach, and tighten up your arms and abs.
Interval training is better than normal cardio. You get more fat burning results in less workout time. In fact, one female research study compared 20 minutes of interval training against 40 minutes of cardio, and only the interval training group burned belly fat. The cardio group wasted their time for no results!
High intensity cardio also works better than regular slow cardio. In another female study, researchers found that exercising hard lead to a greater loss of abdominal fat than exercising slower and longer. Again, a waste of time to do long cardio!
A lot of women shy away from resistance training with dumbbells, but researchers found doing 8 reps per set leads to burning a lot of calories after exercise, so you might be able to boost your metabolism best with chest presses, dumbbell rows, and split squats where you use a weight that allows only 8 reps per set.
Total body ab exercises are a welcome relief for women used to doing hundreds of crunches for no fat burning results. If you can't flatten your stomach with crunches - and most people can't - you need to switch to the total body ab exercises found in Turbulence Training.
Finally, the bodyweight circuits I use with female clients are the best of all these fat burning methods put together. You can get a high intensity interval cardio effect from doing bodyweight exercises in a circuit, including tough exercises that only allow 8 reps per set and total body ab exercises.
If you want to improve your fat burning workouts, you need to make some changes. First, do interval training or high intensity cardio three times per week. You can still do normal cardio a couple of times per week on off-days for health benefits. Second, include the Turbulence Training resistance training supersets twice per week to build strength and burn fat in only 20 minutes. Finally, do bodyweight circuits and total body ab exercises once per week. That's a great fat burning workout program for all women!
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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