Cardio Workout Routines
Breaking News! Doing long slow cardio workout routines does NOT work for fat loss!
Researchers from North America and Australia agree that you can get faster fat burning and fitness building results from interval training. So stop your long cardio workouts now and switch to shorter burst exercise.
The story of interval training begins back in the early 1980's when Drs. MacDougall and Sale were studying sport specific training adaptations to different types of cardio workout routines. They were shocked to find long sessions were not always best.
In fact, they discovered that interval training is better for short power sports like basketball, hockey, and football, and interval training even had a major role in getting fit for sports like soccer and running 5k races.
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But it wasn't until the mid 1990's that the first fat loss study was done on interval training. At that time, Canadian researchers compared interval training to long cardio workouts and found that interval training was able to burn fat faster.
Men and women were able to do shorter workouts and get more results. But surprisingly, it wasn't until 7 years later that the first American interval training study was done, and unfortunately it has never been published.
Only a few elite trainers know about this study that found interval training worked better than slow cardio workout routines for fat loss. The subjects were middle-aged women, and they lost more fat with interval training compared to slow cardio.
Finally, in 2007, almost 30 years after MacDougall and Sale first brought interval training to the spotlight, another study was done in Australia that confirmed intervals work better than cardio exercise for female fat loss.
This study compared 20 minutes of intervals against 40 minutes of steady state cardio, and only the interval training group lost belly fat.
If your program uses long slow cardio workout routines, you need to switch to interval training. But don't worry, its not hard. Interval training simply means working hard for a short interval and then recovery for a short interval.
Here's a really good interval workout routine you can use to start getting more fat loss results from your exercise program immediately. First, you need to start with a regular warm-up. Never skip this.
After you've done that 5-minute warm-up that gradually increases in intensity, its time for your first work interval. You will need to increase the intensity to a "slightly harder than cardio pace". That's a good level to start with.
For example, if we say that your regular cardio workout is a 6/10 intensity level, then I want you to go to a 7/10 intensity level for a 1 minute interval. That should be no problem, and eventually we'll increase that to 8/10. But once you are done that minute, I want you to drop all the way back to a 3/10 intensity level - basically a cool-down level. You'll do that to recover between intervals so that you can work hard when its time to work hard. |
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Alternate for a total of 6 intervals and then finish with a cool down. For more interval training cardio workout routines, grab your copy of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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