Cardio Routine
The Truth About Your Fat Burning Cardio Routine
STOP right there if you think long, slow cardio routines are the best way to burn fat, because you are in a for a big surprise. You're about to be free from cardio machines forever with the truth about fat burning workouts.
Research shows that low intensity cardio exercise programs do NOT burn belly fat. In fact, most cardio programs are a complete waste of time for weight loss. Plus, some folks even gain weight when they do cardio because it makes them eat more. Is that you?
So I have great new for you if you aren't getting results from your long, slow workout program, or if you hate cardio routine fitness. There's a better way to exercise, burn belly fat, and flatten your tummy. All you need to do is short, burst exercise.
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Research shows that interval training works better than cardio routines for fat loss. And I should know because I've personally tried every type of cardio program while getting fit for sports and while trying to lose that list bit of belly fat from my abs.
It wasn't until I said "forget it" to normal cardio and switched to only resistance training and interval training that I finally developed magazine-cover worthy six pack abs. In fact, I've written a book called, "Just Say NO to Cardio" and my picture on the back of the book has made it into national newspapers because of my abs. The dirty little secret about cardio is that it doesn't really burn that many calories, and the truth is your diet is much more important for losing belly fat. Once you are eating the right foods and the right number of calories to support your belly fat burning program, you just need to do a minimum amount of exercise to get thin. |
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You'll need to do resistance training at least twice per week to sculpt your muscles, and then you simply need to do three interval training workouts of 15-20 minutes to burn belly fat. You can do this outside, hill walking, running, cycling, swimming or rowing, or you can do it inside on machines if you prefer.
The bottom line is that you don't need to use machines. You don't need to go to expensive gyms to do cardio on commercial equipment. Instead, you can exercise in the comfort of your own home with bodyweight and dumbbell exercises for resistance training to sculpt your body. Then you can do interval training outside or use a kettlebell, medicine ball, or jump rope to do intervals inside. In fact, I've even designed dozens of bodyweight circuits that you can use to burn fat that don't require any equipment and can replace a cardio routine. |
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So the short, burst workouts are all you need once you make sure you have your diet in place for fat loss. Old school cardio is out of style and for good reason, it just isn't necessary and no one has the time or money for that in these turbulent times.
Skip the long, slow boring cardio routine and start having fun with exercise. Do your short, burst workouts in minimal time and then stay active on your off-days with fun activities. Play games with your family, or take up dancing, or just go for a nature walk. There's a lot more to fitness and fat loss than just cardio routines on machines!
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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